Washington, D.C.  20549
                                 FORM 10-Q

                    SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
               For the quarterly period ended June 30, 1997

                    SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
    For the transition period from ________________ to ________________
                      Commission File Number 33-43989
                         THE E. W. SCRIPPS COMPANY
          (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)
             Ohio                                      31-1223339
(State or other jurisdiction of                     (I.R.S. Employer
incorporation or organization)                   Identification Number)

      312 Walnut Street
       Cincinnati, Ohio                                  45201
(Address of principal executive offices)               (Zip Code)

    Registrant's telephone number, including area code:  (513) 977-3000

                                 Not Applicable
(Former name, former address and former fiscal year, if changed since last

Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities and Exchange
Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that
the Registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject
to such filing requirements for the past 90 days.

                    Yes   X                    No

Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's classes
of common stock, as of the latest practicable date.  As of July 31, 1997
there were 61,681,102 of the Registrant's Class A Common Shares outstanding
and 19,333,711 of the Registrant's Common Voting Shares outstanding.

                    INDEX TO THE E. W. SCRIPPS COMPANY

Item No.                                                        Page

                      PART I - FINANCIAL INFORMATION

  1       Financial Statements                                    3

  2       Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
             Condition and Results of Operations                  3

                        PART II - OTHER INFORMATION

  1       Legal Proceedings                                       3

  2       Changes in Securities                                   3

  3       Defaults Upon Senior Securities                         3

  4       Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders     4

  5       Other Information                                       4

  6       Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K                        4 


                                PART I


The information required by this item is filed as part of this Form 10-Q.
See Index to Financial Information at page F-1 of this Form 10-Q.


The information required by this item is filed as part of this Form 10-Q.
See Index to Financial Information at page F-1 of this Form 10-Q.

                               PART II


The Company is involved in litigation arising in the ordinary course of
business, such as defamation actions and various governmental and
administrative proceedings relating to renewal of broadcast licenses, none
of which is expected to result in material loss.


There were no changes in the rights of security holders during the quarter
for which this report is filed.


There were no defaults upon senior securities during the quarter for which
this report is filed.


The following table presents information on matters submitted to a vote of
security holders at the 1997 Annual Meeting of Shareholders.

Broker Description of Matters Submitted In Favor Against Abstain Non-Votes Class A Common Shares: Election of Directors: Daniel J. Meyer 58,398,381 152,749 3,045,231 Nicholas B. Paumgarten 58,038,421 512,709 3,045,231 Ronald W. Tysoe 58,398,381 152,749 3,045,231 Common Voting Shares: Election of Directors 18,286,233 1,047,478 Adopt 1997 Long-Term Incentive Plan 18,286,233 1,047,478 Amend 1994 Non-Employee Directors' Stock Option Plan 18,286,233 1,047,478 Adopt 1997 Deferred Compensation and Stock Plan for Directors 18,286,233 1,047,478
ITEM 5. OTHER INFORMATION None. ITEM 6. EXHIBITS AND REPORTS ON FORM 8-K Exhibits The information required by this item is filed as part of this Form 10-Q. See Index to Exhibits at page E-1 of this Form 10-Q. Reports on Form 8-K A Current Report on Form 8-K reporting the Company's agreement to acquire the newspaper and broadcast properties of Harte-Hanks Communications, Inc. was filed on June 5, 1997. SIGNATURES Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized. THE E. W. SCRIPPS COMPANY Dated: August 1, 1997 BY:/s/ D. J. Castellini D. J. Castellini Senior Vice President, Finance & Administration THE E. W. SCRIPPS COMPANY Index to Financial Information Item Page Consolidated Balance Sheets F-2 Consolidated Statements of Income F-4 Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows F-5 Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Equity F-6 Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements F-7 Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations F-11 CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
( in thousands ) As of June 30, December 31, June 30, 1997 1996 1996 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) ASSETS Current Assets: Cash and cash equivalents $ 13,794 $ 10,145 $ 15,594 Short-term investments 33,389 2,700 Accounts and notes receivable (less allowances -$4,834, $3,974, $3,736) 176,484 182,687 157,426 Program rights and production costs 29,979 44,639 32,960 Inventories 12,705 11,753 11,126 Deferred income taxes 25,134 24,897 23,365 Miscellaneous 43,034 32,203 28,773 Total current assets 334,519 309,024 269,244 Net Assets of Discontinued Operation - Scripps Cable 354,234 Investments 66,067 40,580 51,273 Property, Plant and Equipment 426,267 430,703 437,635 Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets 581,170 590,452 596,454 Other Assets: Program rights and production costs (less current portion) 25,330 35,281 38,983 Subscriber acquisition costs (less current portion) 49,046 38,337 2,195 Miscellaneous 19,961 19,236 14,410 Total other assets 94,337 92,854 55,588 TOTAL ASSETS $ 1,502,360 $ 1,463,613 $ 1,764,428 See notes to consolidated financial statements.
( in thousands, except share data ) As of June 30, December 31, June 30, 1997 1996 1996 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY Current Liabilities: Current portion of long-term debt $ 90,040 $ 90,040 $ 32,040 Accounts payable 53,860 88,574 68,149 Customer deposits and unearned revenue 33,905 30,208 31,931 Accrued liabilities: Employee compensation and benefits 32,764 33,622 30,281 Subscriber acquisition costs 40,357 33,895 2,223 Miscellaneous 45,298 47,063 38,263 Total current liabilities 296,224 323,402 202,887 Deferred Income Taxes 69,998 63,953 63,987 Long-Term Debt (less current portion) 31,819 31,793 131,815 Other Long-Term Obligations and Minority Interests (less current portion) 102,105 99,874 112,563 Stockholders' Equity: Preferred stock, $.01 par - authorized: 25,000,000 shares; none outstanding Common stock, $.01 par: Class A - authorized: 120,000,000 shares; issued and outstanding: 61,640,302; 61,293,240; and 60,981,720 shares 616 613 610 Voting - authorized: 30,000,000 shares; issued and outstanding: 19,333,711; 19,470,382; and 19,470,382 shares 193 195 195 Total 809 808 805 Additional paid-in capital 277,634 272,703 266,833 Retained earnings 724,026 676,471 966,916 Unrealized gains (losses) on securities available for sale 4,385 (713) 22,285 Unvested restricted stock awards (5,265) (5,241) (4,332) Foreign currency translation adjustment 625 563 669 Total stockholders' equity 1,002,214 944,591 1,253,176 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY $ 1,502,360 $ 1,463,613 $ 1,764,428 See notes to consolidated financial statements.
( in thousands, except per share data ) Three months ended Six months ended June 30, June 30, 1997 1996 1997 1996 Operating Revenues: Advertising $ 226,661 $ 209,432 $ 430,542 $ 396,359 Circulation 32,153 32,102 65,961 65,666 Licensing 14,532 12,176 30,888 24,782 Joint operating agency distributions 13,121 11,704 24,530 20,615 Program production 2,299 1,734 13,719 4,375 Other 16,746 10,176 30,582 19,772 Total operating revenues 305,512 277,324 596,222 531,569 Operating Expenses: Employee compensation and benefits 96,381 89,333 191,186 176,216 Newsprint and ink 30,416 33,161 57,767 67,330 Program, production and copyright costs 16,988 16,460 42,815 33,010 Other operating expenses 74,072 66,996 142,680 128,644 Depreciation 12,470 11,741 25,894 24,179 Amortization of intangible assets 4,824 5,210 9,668 10,291 Total operating expenses 235,151 222,901 470,010 439,670 Operating Income 70,361 54,423 126,212 91,899 Other Credits (Charges): Interest expense (2,484) (2,224) (5,050) (3,637) Miscellaneous, net 368 705 481 323 Net other credits (charges) (2,116) (1,519) (4,569) (3,314) Income from Continuing Operations Before Taxes and Minority Interests 68,245 52,904 121,643 88,585 Provision for Income Taxes 28,728 22,998 51,205 38,272 Income from Continuing Operations Before Minority Interests 39,517 29,906 70,438 50,313 Minority Interests 938 798 1,836 1,485 Income From Continuing Operations 38,579 29,108 68,602 48,828 Income From Discontinued Operation - Scripps Cable 12,782 22,377 Net Income $ 38,579 $ 41,890 $ 68,602 $ 71,205 Per Share of Common Stock: Income from continuing operations $.48 $.36 $.85 $.61 Net income $.48 $.52 $.85 $.89 Dividends declared $.13 $.13 $.26 $.26 See notes to consolidated financial statements.
( in thousands ) Six months ended June 30, 1997 1996 Cash Flows from Operating Activities: Income from continuing operations $ 68,602 $ 48,828 Adjustments to reconcile income from continuing operations to net cash flows from continuing operating activities: Depreciation and amortization 35,562 34,470 Deferred income taxes 3,066 2,343 Minority interests in income of subsidiary companies 1,836 1,485 Subscriber acquisition costs (7,384) (524) Other changes in certain working capital accounts, net (14,738) 12,166 Miscellaneous, net 8,250 (13,987) Net cash provided by continuing operating activities 95,194 84,781 Discontinued Operation - Scripps Cable: Income 22,377 Adjustment to derive cash flows from operating activities 21,259 Net cash provided 43,636 Net operating activities 95,194 128,417 Cash Flows from Investing Activities: Additions to property, plant and equipment (22,154) (36,774) Purchase of subsidiary companies and long-term investments (20,503) (122,678) Change in short-term investments, net (30,689) 25,013 Sale of subsidiary companies and long-term investments 364 11,400 Miscellaneous, net 624 7,305 Net investing activities of continuing operations (72,358) (115,734) Net investing activities of discontinued operation (93,332) Net investing activities (72,358) (209,066) Cash Flows from Financing Activities: Increases in long-term debt 132,000 Payments on long-term debt (23) (49,020) Dividends paid (21,047) (20,891) Dividends paid to minority interests (793) (838) Miscellaneous, net (primarily exercise of stock options) 2,676 5,596 Net financing activities of continuing operations (19,187) 66,847 Net financing activities of discontinued operation (625) Net financing activities (19,187) 66,222 Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents 3,649 (14,427) Cash and Cash Equivalents: Beginning of year 10,145 30,021 End of period $ 13,794 $ 15,594 Supplemental Cash Flow Disclosures: Interest paid, excluding amounts capitalized $ 2,341 $ 4,344 Income taxes paid 48,858 32,246 See notes to consolidated financial statements.
( in thousands, except share data ) Unrealized Gains (Losses) Unvested Foreign Additional on Securities Restricted Currency Common Paid-in Retained Available Stock Translation Stock Capital Earnings for Sale Awards Adjustment Balances at December 31, 1995 $ 801 $ 254,063 $ 916,602 $ 20,720 $ (1,573) $ 813 Net income 71,205 Dividends: declared and paid - $.26 per share (20,891) Conversion of 507,991 Common Voting Shares to 507,991 Class A Common Shares Class A Common Shares issued pursuant to compensation plans, net: 390,950 shares issued; 2,629 shares repurchased 4 11,195 (5,598) Tax benefits of compensation plans 1,575 Amortization of restricted stock awards 2,839 Foreign currency translation adjustment (144) Increase in unrealized gains (losses) on securities available for sale, net of deferred income taxes of $843 1,565 Balances at June 30, 1996 $ 805 $ 266,833 $ 966,916 $ 22,285 $ (4,332) $ 669 Balances at December 31, 1996 $ 808 $ 272,703 $ 676,471 $ (713) $ (5,241) $ 563 Net income 68,602 Dividends: declared and paid - $.26 per share (21,047) Conversion of 136,671 Common Voting Shares to 136,671 Class A Common Shares Class A Common Shares issued pursuant to compensation plans, net: 217,950 issued; 7,559 shares repurchased 1 3,462 (1,383) Tax benefits of compensation plans 1,469 Amortization of restricted stock awards 1,359 Foreign currency translation adjustment 62 Increase in unrealized gains (losses) on securities available for sale, net of deferred income taxes of $2,745 5,098 Balances at June 30, 1997 $ 809 $ 277,634 $ 724,026 $ 4,385 $ (5,265) $ 625 See notes to consolidated financial statements.
NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ( UNAUDITED ) 1. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES Basis of Presentation - The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles for interim financial information and with the instructions to Form 10-Q and Rule 10-01 of Regulation S-X. The information disclosed in the notes to consolidated financial statements included in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1996 has not changed materially unless otherwise disclosed herein. Financial information as of December 31, 1996 included in these financial statements has been derived from the audited consolidated financial statements included in that report. In management's opinion all adjustments (consisting of normal recurring accruals) necessary for a fair presentation of the interim periods have been made. Results of operations are not necessarily indicative of the results that may be expected for future interim periods or for the full year. Net Income Per Share - Net income per share computations are based upon the weighted-average common shares outstanding. Common stock equivalents in the form of stock options are excluded from the computations as they have no material effect on the per share amounts. The weighted-average common shares outstanding were as follows:
( in thousands ) Three months ended Six months ended June 30, June 30, 1997 1996 1997 1996 Weighted-average shares outstanding 80,970 80,308 80,937 80,256
The Financial Accounting Standards Board issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 128 - Earnings per Share in the first quarter of 1997. The new standard, which the Company must adopt in the fourth quarter of 1997, will require the presentation of basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share. Basic and diluted earnings per share would not be materially different than earnings per share presented in these financial statements. Recently Issued Accounting Standards - The Financial Accounting Standards Board has issued Statements of Financial Accounting Standards No. 129 - Disclosure of Information about Capital Structure ("FAS 129"), No. 130 - Reporting Comprehensive Income ("FAS 130"), and No. 131 - Disclosures about Segments of an Enterprise and Related Information ("FAS 131"). FAS 129, which must be adopted in the fourth quarter of 1997, will have no effect on the Company's financial position or results of operations. FAS 130, which must be adopted in the first quarter of 1998, and FAS 131, which must be adopted in the fourth quarter of 1998, will also have no effect on the Company's financial position. However, FAS 130 will require the Company to report comprehensive income, a measure of performance that includes all non-owner sources of changes in equity. In addition to net income reported in these financial statements, comprehensive income would include unrealized gains and losses on securities available for sale and foreign curency translation adjustments. Management expects FAS 131 will require the Company to change the reportable business segments included in its 1996 Annual Report on Form 10-K and to present additional information, including presenting certain business segment information in its quarterly financial statements. 2. ACQUISITIONS AND DIVESTITURES A. Acquisitions 1997 - There were no acquisitions in the six months ended June 30, 1997. In May the Company reached an agreement to acquire the newspaper and broadcast properties of Harte-Hanks Communications, Inc. The transaction will be structured as: A tax-free "Morris Trust" transaction with an approximate value between $605 million and $625 million. In a Morris Trust transaction the Company will issue Class A Common stock to Harte-Hanks shareholders valued at between $425 million and $605 million, depending upon the amount of debt assumed by the Company. The Company has agreed to assume a maximum of $200 million in debt, in which case the total consideration would be approximately $625 million. The total consideration would be approximately $605 million for an all-stock transaction. The exact number of shares issued will be determined by the total consideration and the trading price of the Company's shares within a "collar" range of $32.72 and $40. Or the Company will pay approximately $775 million in cash to Harte- Hanks if a Morris Trust transaction is not feasible due to the outcome of pending federal legislation. The companies expect to determine the structure of the transaction by December 31, 1997. 1996 - In May the Company acquired the Vero Beach, Florida, Press Journal. The following table presents additional information about the acquisition:
( in thousands ) Six months ended June 30, 1996 Goodwill and other intangible assets acquired $ 110,967 Other assets acquired 10,900 Total 121,867 Liabilities assumed (1,794) Cash paid $ 120,073
The acquisition was accounted for as a purchase and accordingly the purchase price was allocated to assets and liabilities based on the estimated fair values as of the date of acquisition. The acquired operation has been included in the Consolidated Statements of Income from the date of acquisition. The following table summarizes, on an unaudited, pro forma basis, the estimated combined results of operations of the Company and the Press Journal assuming the acquisition had occurred on January 1, 1996. The pro forma information includes adjustments for interest expense that would have been incurred to finance the acquisition, additional depreciation based on the fair market value of the property, plant and equipment, and the amortization of intangible assets resulting from the acquisition. The unaudited pro forma results of operations are not necessarily indicative of the results which actually would have occurred had the acquisition been completed January 1, 1996.
( in thousands ) Three months Six months ended ended June 30, June 30, 1996 1996 Operating revenues $ 278,958 $ 537,524 Income from continuing operations 28,079 46,718 Net income 40,861 69,095 Per share of common stock: Income from continuing operations $.35 $.58 Net income .51 .86
B. Divestitures 1997 - There were no divestitures in the six months ended June 30, 1997. 1996 - The Company sold its equity interest in The Television Food Network, a cable programming network. No material gain or loss was realized as proceeds approximated the book value of the net assets sold. 3. LONG-TERM DEBT Long-term debt consisted of the following:
( in thousands ) As of June 30, December 31, June 30, 1997 1996 1996 6.17% note, due in 1997 $ 90,000 $ 90,000 $ 100,000 7.375% notes, due in 1998 29,706 29,658 29,658 Variable Rate Credit Facilities 32,000 Other notes 2,153 2,175 2,197 Total long-term debt 121,859 121,833 163,855 Current portion of long-term debt 90,040 90,040 32,040 Long-term debt (less current portion) $ 31,819 $ 31,793 $ 131,815
The Company has a Competitive Advance/Revolving Credit Agreement and other variable rate credit facilities ("Variable Rate Credit Facilities") which expire through September 1997 and permit maximum borrowings up to $50,000,000. Maximum borrowings under the facilities are changed as the Company's anticipated needs change and are not indicative of the Company's short-term borrowing capacity. The credit facilities may be extended upon mutual agreement. Certain long-term debt agreements contain maintenance requirements on net worth and coverage of interest expense and restrictions on dividends and incurrence of additional indebtedness. The Company is in compliance with all debt covenants. 4. DISCONTINUED OPERATION - SCRIPPS CABLE The Company's cable television systems ("Scripps Cable") were acquired by Comcast Corporation ("Comcast") on November 13, 1996 ("Cable Transaction") through a merger whereby the Company's shareholders received, tax-free, a total of 93 million shares of Comcast's Class A Special Common Stock. The aggregate market value of the Comcast shares was $1,593,000,000 ($19.83 per share of the Company) and the net book value of Scripps Cable was $356,000,000, yielding an economic gain of $1,237,000,000 to the Company's shareholders. Scripps Cable represented an entire business segment, therefore its results are reported as a "discontinued operation" for all periods presented. Results of the remaining business segments, including results for divested operating units within these segments through their dates of sale, are reported as "continuing operations." MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL CONDITION AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS The E. W. Scripps Company ("Company") publishes daily newspapers in 16 markets, operates television stations in nine markets, and its entertainment division consists of Home & Garden Television ("HGTV," a 24-hour cable television network), comic character licensing and television program production. The Company's cable television systems ("Scripps Cable") were acquired by Comcast Corporation ("Comcast") on November 13, 1996 ("Cable Transaction") through a merger whereby the Company's shareholders received, tax-free, a total of 93 million shares of Comcast's Class A Special Common Stock. The aggregate market value of the Comcast shares was $1,593,000,000 ($19.83 per share of the Company) and the net book value of Scripps Cable was $356,000,000, yielding an economic gain of $1,237,000,000 to the Company's shareholders. The operating results of Scripps Cable are excluded from management's discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operation as management believes it is not relevant to an understanding of the Company's continuing operations. Consolidated results of continuing operations were as follows:
( in thousands, except per share data ) Quarterly Period Year-to-Date 1997 Change 1996 1997 Change 1996 Operating revenues: Newspapers $ 181,891 8.9 % $ 166,982 $ 356,745 9.5 % $ 325,825 Broadcast television 87,129 2.3 % 85,204 159,825 2.5 % 155,925 Entertainment 36,492 45.2 % 25,138 79,652 59.9 % 49,819 Total operating revenues $ 305,512 10.2 % $ 277,324 $ 596,222 12.2 % $ 531,569 Operating income: Newspapers $ 42,169 19.7 % $ 35,234 $ 82,435 34.0 % $ 61,505 Broadcast television 32,116 7.1 % 29,994 50,847 7.1 % 47,477 Entertainment 488 (2,161) 1,522 (3,811) Corporate (4,412) (4,644) (8,592) (8,854) Total 70,361 20.4 % 58,423 126,212 31.0 % 96,317 Unusual items (4,000) (4,000) Television Food Network (418) Total operating income 70,361 29.3 % 54,423 126,212 37.3 % 91,899 Interest expense (2,484) (2,224) (5,050) (3,637) Miscellaneous, net 368 705 481 323 Income taxes (28,728) (22,998) (51,205) (38,272) Minority interest (938) (798) (1,836) (1,485) Income from continuing operations $ 38,579 32.5 % $ 29,108 $ 68,602 40.5 % $ 48,828 Per share of common stock: Income from continuing operations $.48 33.3 % $.36 $.85 39.3 % $.61 Unusual charge .03 .03 Adjusted income from continuing operations $.48 23.1 % $.39 $.85 32.8 % $.64
( in thousands ) Quarterly Period Year-to-Date 1997 Change 1996 1997 Change 1996 Other Financial and Statistical Data - excluding unusual item and Television Food Network: Total advertising revenues $ 226,661 8.2 % $ 209,432 $ 430,542 8.6 % $ 396,359 Advertising revenues as a percentage of total revenues 74.2 % 75.5 % 72.2 % 74.6 % EBITDA: Newspapers $ 52,269 18.3 % $ 44,199 $ 103,199 29.0 % $ 79,979 Broadcast television 38,087 3.6 % 36,757 63,017 3.1 % 61,096 Entertainment 1,488 (1,256) 3,617 (1,981) Corporate (4,189) (4,326) (8,059) (8,307) Total $ 87,655 16.3 % $ 75,374 $ 161,774 23.7 % $ 130,787 Effective income tax rate 42.1 % 43.5 % 42.1 % 43.2 % Weighted-average shares outstanding 80,970 0.8 % 80,308 80,937 0.8 % 80,256 Total capital expenditures $ 13,258 $ 19,378 $ 22,154 $ 36,774
Earnings before interest, income taxes, depreciation and amortization ("EBITDA") is included in the discussion of segment results because: Changes in depreciation and amortization are often unrelated to current performance. Management believes the year-over-year change in EBITDA is a more useful measure of year-over-year performance than the change in operating income because, combined with information on capital spending plans, it is a more reliable indicator of results that may be expected in future periods. Banks and other lenders use EBITDA to determine the Company's borrowing capacity. Financial analysts use EBITDA to value communications media companies. Acquisitions of communications media businesses are based on multiples of EBITDA. EBITDA should not, however, be construed as an alternative measure of the amount of the Company's income or cash flows from operating activities as EBITDA excludes significant costs of doing business. In the second quarter of 1996 the Company incurred an unusual charge of approximately $4,000,000, $2,600,000 after-tax, $.03 per share, for the Company's share of certain costs associated with restructuring portions of the distribution system of the Cincinnati joint operating agency ("Cincinnati JOA Charge"). The Company acquired the Vero Beach, Florida, Press Journal in May 1996 and sold its equity interest in The Television Food Network ("TV Food") in April 1996. Year-to-date operating losses for HGTV totaled $4,400,000, $2,900,000 after-tax, $.04 per share in 1997 and $6,900,000, $4,200,000 after- tax, $.05 per share in 1996. Operating losses for the quarterly periods were $1,800,000, $1,300,000 after-tax, $.02 per share in 1997 and $3,100,000, $1,900,000 after-tax, $.02 per share in 1996. Interest expense increased in the quarter and year-to-date periods due primarily to the Vero Beach newspaper acquisition. Operating results, excluding the Cincinnati JOA Charge and TV Food, are presented on the following pages. The Cincinnati JOA Charge and the results of TV Food are excluded from the segment operating results because management believes they are not relevant to understanding the Company's ongoing operations. NEWSPAPERS - Operating results for the newspaper segment, excluding the Cincinnati JOA charge, were as follows:
( in thousands ) Quarterly Period Year-to-Date 1997 Change 1996 1997 Change 1996 Operating revenues: Local $ 53,639 10.5 % $ 48,557 $ 107,784 11.9 % $ 96,349 Classified 55,745 9.8 % 50,747 106,205 9.5 % 96,988 National 6,136 22.3 % 5,018 11,762 24.6 % 9,437 Preprint and other 16,867 2.4 % 16,477 32,923 2.7 % 32,067 Total advertising 132,387 9.6 % 120,799 258,674 10.1 % 234,841 Circulation 32,153 0.2 % 32,102 65,961 0.4 % 65,666 Joint operating agency distributions 13,121 12.1 % 11,704 24,530 19.0 % 20,615 Other 4,230 78.0 % 2,377 7,580 61.2 % 4,703 Total operating revenues 181,891 8.9 % 166,982 356,745 9.5 % 325,825 Operating expenses: Employee compensation and benefits 60,346 7.9 % 55,928 119,636 8.1 % 110,644 Newsprint and ink 30,416 (8.3)% 33,161 57,767 (14.2)% 67,330 Other 38,860 15.3 % 33,694 76,143 12.2 % 67,872 Depreciation and amortization 10,100 12.7 % 8,965 20,764 12.4 % 18,474 Total operating expenses 139,722 6.1 % 131,748 274,310 3.8 % 264,320 Operating income $ 42,169 19.7 % $ 35,234 $ 82,435 34.0 % $ 61,505 Other Financial and Statistical Data: EBITDA $ 52,269 18.3 % $ 44,199 $ 103,199 29.0 % $ 79,979 Percent of operating revenues: Operating income 23.2 % 21.1 % 23.1 % 18.9 % EBITDA 28.7 % 26.5 % 28.9 % 24.5 % Capital expenditures $ 7,846 $ 12,674 $ 14,003 $ 17,905 Advertising inches: Local 1,878 12.6 % 1,668 3,851 15.3 % 3,339 Classified 1,946 9.3 % 1,780 3,672 10.2 % 3,332 National 129 27.7 % 101 257 38.2 % 186 Total full run ROP 3,953 11.4 % 3,549 7,780 13.5 % 6,857
Strong growth in newspaper advertising revenue and a decline in newsprint prices led to the improvement in EBITDA. The Vero Beach newspaper, acquired in May 1996, accounted for approximately one- fourth of the increase in advertising revenues year-to-date and approximately one-fifth of the increase in advertising revenues for the second quarter. The price of newsprint in the first half of 1997 was approximately 26% lower than in the first half of 1996 and the 1997 second quarter price was approximately 20% lower than in the second quarter of 1996. Newsprint consumption increased 14% in the year-to-date and quarter periods. In late July, certain newsprint suppliers announced price increases of approximately 6%, effective in the fourth quarter of 1997. It is uncertain if the announced increase will actually be billed, or rather, resistance from newsprint buyers will cause the suppliers to reduce or delay the increase. If newsprint remains at its current price, the year-over-year cost of newsprint in 1997 will be unchanged in the third quarter, and will increase 15% in the fourth quarter. Excluding the Vero Beach newspaper and the costs of developing new businesses, such as telephone directories and electronic services, employee compensation and other operating expenses increased approximately 6% in the year-to-date period. BROADCAST TELEVISION - Operating results for the broadcast television segment were as follows:
( in thousands ) Quarterly Period Year-to-Date 1997 Change 1996 1997 Change 1996 Operating revenues: Local $ 43,806 2.4 % $ 42,763 $ 82,230 5.0 % $ 78,323 National 38,399 5.3 % 36,479 67,856 3.0 % 65,856 Political 164 1,718 253 3,100 Other 4,760 12.2 % 4,244 9,486 9.7 % 8,646 Total operating revenues 87,129 2.3 % 85,204 159,825 2.5 % 155,925 Operating expenses: Employee compensation and benefits 25,784 5.5 % 24,446 51,220 6.3 % 48,173 Program and copyright costs 11,132 (2.1)% 11,365 22,174 (1.7)% 22,568 Other 12,126 (4.0)% 12,636 23,414 (2.8)% 24,088 Depreciation and amortization 5,971 (11.7)% 6,763 12,170 (10.6)% 13,619 Total operating expenses 55,013 (0.4)% 55,210 108,978 0.5 % 108,448 Operating income $ 32,116 7.1 % $ 29,994 $ 50,847 7.1 % $ 47,477 Other Financial and Statistical Data: EBITDA $ 38,087 3.6 % $ 36,757 $ 63,017 3.1 % $ 61,096 Percent of operating revenues: Operating income 36.9 % 35.2 % 31.8 % 30.4 % EBITDA 43.7 % 43.1 % 39.4 % 39.2 % Capital expenditures $ 4,211 $ 6,077 $ 6,318 $ 17,582
The increased political advertising in even-numbered years, when congressional and presidential elections occur, have made it more difficult to achieve year-over-year improvement in operating results in odd-numbered years. Year-over-year comparisons in subsequent quarters will be more difficult due to greater amounts of political advertising in the 1996 periods. Political advertising totaled $3,982,000 in the third quarter, and $12,423,000 in the fourth quarter, of 1996. The increase in employee costs is due primarily to the Company's expanded schedules of local news programs. Depreciation and amortization in the year-to-date and quarter periods of 1997 decreased as certain intangible assets acquired in the 1991 purchase of the Baltimore station became fully amortized. ENTERTAINMENT - Operating results for the entertainment segment, excluding TV Food, were as follows:
( in thousands ) Quarterly Period Year-to-Date 1997 Change 1996 1997 Change 1996 Operating revenues: Licensing $ 14,532 19.3 % $ 12,176 $ 30,888 24.6 % $ 24,782 Newspaper feature distribution 5,615 10.6 % 5,075 10,963 10.9 % 9,883 Advertising 8,036 89.3 % 4,245 13,709 84.4 % 7,433 Subscriber fees 5,164 1,566 8,901 2,698 Program production 2,299 32.6 % 1,734 13,719 4,375 Other 846 342 1,472 648 Total operating revenues 36,492 45.2 % 25,138 79,652 59.9 % 49,819 Operating expenses: Employee compensation and benefits 7,525 32.8 % 5,666 14,905 32.7 % 11,232 Artists' royalties 10,649 21.3 % 8,781 21,304 20.7 % 17,655 Programming and production costs 5,856 14.9 % 5,095 20,641 97.7 % 10,442 Other 10,974 60.2 % 6,852 19,185 53.8 % 12,471 Depreciation and amortization 1,000 10.5 % 905 2,095 14.5 % 1,830 Total operating expenses 36,004 31.9 % 27,299 78,130 45.7 % 53,630 Operating income (loss) $ 488 $ (2,161) $ 1,522 $ (3,811) Other Financial and Statistical Data: EBITDA $ 1,488 $ (1,256) $ 3,617 $ (1,981) Capital expenditures $ 936 $ 504 $ 1,404 $ 1,040 HGTV subscribers 28,400 16,000
Licensing revenues benefited primarily from the popularity of "Dilbert" in the U.S. and the strength of "Peanuts" in international markets. Long-term book publishing agreements for "Dilbert," which were signed in 1996, provided approximately one-third of the increase in year-to-date licensing revenues. Total international licensing revenues, substantially all of which are provided by "Peanuts," increased 19% and 21% in the quarter and year-to-date periods, respectively, despite the stronger dollar. Japanese licensing revenues increased 29% in local currency in 1997. Program production revenues are subject to substantial fluctuation due to the timing of completion and delivery of programs. Scripps Howard Productions ("SHP") delivered five hours of programming year-to-date in 1997 and none year-to-date in 1996. SHP delivered eight hours of programming in the second half of 1996. Advertising revenue and subscriber fees increased due to the continued growth of HGTV. Year-to-date operating losses for HGTV totaled $4,400,000 in 1997 and $6,900,000 in 1996. Operating losses in the second half of 1997 are expected to be higher than in the first half of 1997. Artists' royalties increased in the quarter and year-to-date periods due to the increase in licensing revenues. Programming and production costs increased due to the additional hours of programming produced by SHP and higher programming costs associated with the growth of HGTV. The Company has agreed to pay cash or other incentives ("Subscriber Acquisition Costs") to cable television system operators in exchange for increased distribution of HGTV. Cable television system operators carry HGTV under contracts with an average term of approximately five years. Subscriber acquisition costs are amortized based upon the percentage of the current period's subscriber revenues to estimated total subscriber revenue over the terms of the contracts. At June 30, 1997, unamortized subscriber acquisition costs totaled approximately $59,000,000. Based on contractual commitments as of early July 1997, HGTV will be telecast to at least 31 million homes by June 30, 1998. Additional incentive payments may be required to obtain carriage on additional cable television systems. LIQUIDITY AND CAPITAL RESOURCES The Company generates significant cash flow from operating activities, primarily from its newspaper and broadcast television operations. There are no significant legal or other restrictions on the transfer of funds among the Company's business segments. Management expects total cash flow from continuing operating activities in 1997 will be sufficient to meet the Company's expected capital expenditures, required debt payments and dividend payments. Cash flow provided by continuing operating activities was $95,200,000 in 1997 compared to $84,800,000 in 1996. In May the Company reached an agreement to acquire the newspaper and broadcast properties of Harte-Hanks Communications, Inc. The transaction will be structured as: A tax-free "Morris Trust" transaction with an approximate value between $605 million and $625 million. In a Morris Trust transaction the Company will issue Class A Common stock to Harte-Hanks shareholders valued at between $425 million and $605 million, depending upon the amount of debt assumed by the Company. The Company has agreed to assume a maximum of $200 million in debt, in which case the total consideration would be approximately $625 million. The total consideration would be approximately $605 million for an all-stock transaction. The exact number of shares issued will be determined by the total consideration and the trading price of the Company's shares within a "collar" range of $32.72 and $40. Or the Company will pay approximately $775 million in cash to Harte- Hanks if a Morris Trust transaction is not feasible due to the outcome of pending federal legislation. The Company's board has authorized the repurchase of up to the maximum number of Class A Common shares that could be issued in a Morris Trust transaction. The company intends to purchase shares in the open market from time to time, depending upon market conditions. The transaction is expected to result in approximately 5 percent dilution to the company's earnings during the first year of ownership. The companies expect to determine the structure of the transaction by December 31, 1997. Net debt (borrowings less cash equivalent and other short-term investments) totaled $88,500,000 at June 30, 1997 and was 8% of total capitalization. Management believes the Company's cash and cash equivalents, short-term investments and substantial borrowing capacity, taken together, provide adequate resources to fund the capital expenditures and expansion of existing businesses and the development or acquisition of new businesses. THE E. W. SCRIPPS COMPANY Index to Exhibits Exhibit No. Item Page 12 Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges E-2

RATIO OF EARNINGS TO FIXED CHARGES                                                                                  EXHIBIT 12
( in thousands ) Three months ended Six months ended June 30, June 30, 1997 1996 1997 1996 EARNINGS AS DEFINED: Earnings from operations before income taxes after eliminating undistributed earnings of 20%- to 50%-owned affiliates $ 67,896 $ 52,673 $ 121,993 $ 89,042 Fixed charges excluding capitalized interest and preferred stock dividends of majority-owned subsidiary companies 3,430 3,095 6,859 5,325 Earnings as defined $ 71,326 $ 55,768 $ 128,852 $ 94,367 FIXED CHARGES AS DEFINED: Interest expense, including amortization of debt issue costs $ 2,484 $ 2,224 $ 5,050 $ 3,637 Interest capitalized 218 226 421 409 Portion of rental expense representative of the interest factor 946 871 1,809 1,688 Preferred stock dividends of majority-owned subsidiary companies 20 20 40 40 Fixed charges as defined $ 3,668 $ 3,341 $ 7,320 $ 5,774 RATIO OF EARNINGS TO FIXED CHARGES 19.45 16.69 17.60 16.34

5 1000 6-MOS DEC-31-1997 JUN-30-1997 13,794 33,389 181,318 4,834 12,705 334,519 801,755 375,488 1,502,360 296,224 31,819 0 0 809 1,001,405 1,502,360 0 596,222 0 0 467,025 2,985 5,050 121,643 51,205 68,602 0 0 0 68,602 $.85 $.85